Ragefire Chasm – Cleared

Ragefire Chasm Cleared!

My very first instance run was conducted at level 14. The famous Ragefire Chasm got a taste of my righteous fury, or more precisely, the lack thereof. As soon as I started I began to run into various problems. First of all, I actually had to heal my tank, which has never been required up to this point. As easy as it sounds, it gave me the most of my problems.

Up until this point the group only faced single mobs, which is a vast difference from pulling 2-3 elites. The moment my first heal lands on the tank, he loses aggro of the extra mobs. This leads to mass mayhem as I scramble to regain control, but fail miserably as the tank still requires healing. The moment I lose my healer or tank, things go downhill as I frantically try to switch to another character and co-ordinate the assault further. In many cases, my awkwardly positioned macros and numerous modifier keys were the death of me, resulting in me mashing random buttons in hopes of changing the focus/kill target. Several wipes later, I learned to quickly smack 1-2 targets with melee and judgement attacks before switching to the primary kill target at least keeping aggro past the first heal.

Now what kind of human being would I be if I only blamed myself? I’ll blame my poor gear and lack of major tanking abilities for my mishaps. Tip for future adventures: white quality, common gear isn’t really the best defense against multiple ravaging elites. The only techniques I had available were Seal of the Crusader and Seal of Righteousness, as well as the Judgement button. I was missing some crucial spells: Righteous Fury, Righteous Defense, Retribution Aura, and Consecration that would have helped immensely with tanking multiple mobs. The first three of these abilities, the paladin grabs at level 16, and the last one at level 20. Guess I got too eager.

I did eventually complete the instance, killing all the bosses, and almost all the mobs inside. Finished a total of 4 quests and gained a level and a half with the completion of the quests and the mob kills. Total time to finish instance was close to three and a half hours due to various wipes, repairs, and reworking of certain macros.

Final Score: C

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